
See Who Is Exhibiting in 2025

The Bay Bridge Boat Show has acres of exhibitors showcasing boats, marine gear, accessories, clubs, education, and apparel.

2025 Exhibitor Listing

The following is a list of exhibitors who are participating in the 2025 Bay Bridge at Safe Harbor Narrows Point.

New exhibitors are added everyday.

Click on a company name for more information.

Exhibitor Display Area
Adirondack Guide Boat Land TBD
All Decked Out Marine Tent B 14, Tent B 15
All Star Marine, Inc. Dock C
Alliance Marine Group Tent C 2
AM Marine Custom Boats Land 11
American Sentry Solar/American Design and Build Tent C 5
AMPM Marine Dock B
Annapolis Boat Sales Dock C
Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard Dock C
Annapolis Sail & Power Squadron Land TBD
Automotive Training Center Tent B 10
Bay Life Apparel Land 2A
Beacon Light Marina Land 17
Black Dog Propellers Tent B 9
Black Horse Kettle Corn Land D1
Black Water Marine Tent A 44
Boat US in Water Training
Boatique USA Tent A 24, Tent A 22
BOE Marine & RV Tent B 1
Bosun's Marine Tent C 3, Dock B,
Boudreau Insurance Tent A 19
Brown Dog Marine Dock Dock A
Campbell’s Boatyards and Yacht Sales Tent A 15, Tent A 14
Carlisle's Marine Land 13
Castle Marina Tent B 6
Cedar Point Marina Dock Dock A,
Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Associations Land TBD
Chesapeake Bay Properties Tent A 43
Chesapeake Harbour Marina/AMCYC Tent B 23
Chesapeake Whalertowne Land 6, Dock Dock A
Chesapeake Yacht Center Dock D,
Chesdin Boat Sales Land 18
Clarks Landing Yacht Sales Dock B
Creative Spaces Remodeling Tent A 20, Tent A 21
Cronin Dermatology Tent A 27
Cutco Cutlery Land 9
Cynful Bliss Tent A 48
Dean Yacht Company Dock Dock A, A
DEKit by Chesapeake Deking Tent B 8
Dewey Beach Yacht Club Tent A 1
DiMillo's Yacht Sales Dock E, Dock D
Dissen & Juhn Company Tent A 3
Diversified Marine Services Tent A 4
Dockmate Tent A 5
East Coast Houseboats Tent A 42
East Coast Yacht Sales Dock Dock A
Electrified Marina Dock E
Elligail Charters
Experience Smith Island Tent A 12
EZ Dock Mid-Chesapeake Land 19
Fathom Insurance Company Tent A 31
Fawcett Marine Supplies Tent A 39
Freedom Boat Club Tent B 26, Dock B,
Further Customs Tent A 40
Galahad Marine Land TBD
Galahad Marine Sales Dock Dock A
Game Fish Trail Tent A 32
Get Blasted Tent A 36
Golden Boat Lifts Tent A 18, Tent A 17, Tent A 16
Haven Harbour Marina Resorts Tent A 35
Hawgfin Tent B 21, Tent B 20
Honda Powersports of Crofton Land 4
Hook Optics/An Optical Galleria Land 1
Hook’em Right Coffee LLC Land 10
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Tent A 11
Iconic Maryland Dock C,
Intrinsic Yacht & Ship Dock C
JB Langley Land 3
Jetty Land 2
Jim's Marine Land 16,
JNT Enterprises Tent C 18
Knot 10 Yacht Sales Tent C 10, Tent C 11
Lorelei Nautical Treasures Tent A 37
M & E Sales Tent A 46, Tent A 47
MAD Soaps Tent B 27, Tent OA 3, Tent OA 4
Made+ Land 8
Marine Trades Assoc. of Maryland Tent C 21
Marks Marine Insurance Tent C 1
Mid-Shore Electronics Tent B 17, Tent B 18
Mr. Cool Marine Products Tent C 13, Tent C 14
Muller Marine Land 12B
Mutlu Inc. Land TBD
National Marine Underwriters Tent B 7
Natural Resources Police, Safety Education Land TBD
New World Boats/Smiths Marina Land 15
North Point Yacht Sales LLC Dock D
Ocean Club Yacht Sales
OceanPoint Marine Lending Tent B 29
Picante Land Food Court
Pocket Yacht Dock Dock A
Pop Paddleboards Tent C 6, Tent C 7
Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. Dock B
PowerKlean US, LLC Tent C 12
PowerTime, LLC. Dock C,
PropTalk and FishTalk Magazine Tent OA 1
PYY Marine Tent C 4, Dock C
Queen Anne's County Tourism Tent C 20
Rhode River Boat Sales Dock B
Richard J. Fisco Land TBD
Riverside Marine, Inc. Land 3,
Rudy Marine Land 5
Safe Harbor Narrows Point Marina Tent OA 2
Sail Away Catamarans Dock B
Sassafras Harbor Marina & Yacht Sales Tent A 2
Schmidty's Kettle Corn Land TBD
Sea Level Seating Tent A 33
Sea Tow Land TBD
Seahorse Docking Tent B 2, Tent B 3, Tent B 5, Tent B 4
Seattle Yachts Dock D,
SEAYa! Marine Tent A 41, Tent A 49
Ships Dek Tent B 22
Shore Industries Tent A 29, Tent A 30
Six Knots Tent B 11, Tent B 12
SML Footwear Tent A 8, Tent A 7, Tent A 9
Smoky Mozz Pizza Land Food Court
SNAP Dock Tent C 8, Tent C 9
Solar Energy World Tent A 10
Somers Cove Marina Tent B 13
Southwind Apparel/Spunkwear Tent A 28
Star Blink USA Tent A 25
Sterling Acceptance Corp. Tent B 19
Sterling Associates Tent C 15
Stevens Battery Warehouse Tent A 38
Summer Classics Tent A 13
Sunglass Hut Tent C 19
Sweet Satisfaction Land Food Court
Taylor Marine Center Land 14
The Shore Spice & Pickle Co. Land OA5
Top Knotch Marine Tent B 16
Total Comfort Swings Land 7
TowBoatUS Kent Narrows & Knapps Narrows Land TBD
Tri-State Marine Dock B,
Trident Marine Group Tent B 24
Tru Step Health and Wellness Tent A 26
Two Rivers Yacht Basin Land TBD
Vacation Village Resort Land Main Gate
Ville of Kings DBA Chocolate Moonshine Tent C 17, Tent C 16
Waterfront Marine Dock Dock A,
Waves of Tory Land 34
Wells Cove Marina Tent A 6
Yacht Sales Int'l. Dock Dock A,


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