
2024 Powerboat Show Exhibitors

Please see the full list of exhibitors that joined us for the 2024 Annapolis Powerboat Show.

2024 Exhibitor Listing

The following is a list of exhibitors who participated in the 2024 Annapolis Powerboat Show.

Check back soon for the 2025 list of exhibitors

Click on a company name for more information.

Exhibitor Display Area
727 Sailbags, Inc. Tent D 67, Tent D 68, Tent D 66
A Lit'le Irish, Too Tent D 32, Tent D 33
Air-Dock Boat Lifts Tent A 20
AlerTrax Tent D 94, Tent D 93
Alliance Marine Group Tent AB 23
AM Marine Custom Boats Tent B 48, Tent B 50
American Sentry Solar/American Design and Build Tent C 48
AMG Insurance International Tent F 4
AMPM Marine Dock H
Anchor Bay East Marina Dock S
Annapolis Boat Sales Land 8, Dock I, Tent FS 8
Annapolis Cruisair Tent A 9
Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard K3 K3
Annapolis Hybrid Marine Dock F2, , Dock F2
Annapolis Pillow Company Tent D 78
Annapolis Sailyard Brokerage Cove Dock B
Antique Repurposed Art Craft Tent C 2
Aquador Boats Dock S
AquaTraction of Mid-Atlantic Tent DO 3, Tent DO 2
Argo Navigation LLC Tent C 43
Arntson Marine Tent D 47
Arrowcat Marine Dock I
Aspen Power Catamarans Dock K1,
Atlantic Cruising Yachts Dock D,
Atlantic Marinas Tent D 80
Atlantic Yacht Works Brokerage Cove Dock A
Automotive Training Center Tent B 13
Awlgrip/SeaHawk Tent B 53
Back Cove Yachts Dock F2
Bajio Sunglasses Tent F 22, Tent F 21
Baltimore Boating Center Tent G 5
Bavaria Dock C,
Bay Life Apparel Tent D 8, Tent D 7, Tent D 6
Bay Shore Marine Engine Service Tent B 36, Tent B 38
Beacon Light Marina Land 65
Blaze Tent C 22
BLU3 Tent D 71
Blue Star Paint & Property Services Tent C 42
Bluenose Yacht Sales Dock K,
Bluewater Yacht Sales Dock A,
Boat Lifts Unlimited Inc. Tent A 1
Boat US in Water Training Dock K
Boatique USA Tent D 27, Tent D 28
Boatman Tent C 71
BoatUS Dock BoatUS Bridge
BOE Marine & RV Tent A 48, Tent A 50
Bosun's Marine Dock B,
Boudreau Insurance Tent F 1
Bristol Marine Finance, LLC Tent DO 4
Brown Dog Marine Dock I
Brownie's THIRD LUNG Tent D 72
BULDANO, LLC Tent D 12, Tent D 11
Burr Yacht Sales, Inc. Dock J2
Candela Dock K
Cane Mixers Tent DO 9
Carefree Boat Club Tent F 5
Carlisle's Marine Land 89
Carter Machinery Company Land 49
Castaways Yacht Club Dock D
Castle Marina Tent C 14
Catalina Yachts Dock C,
Category Sports Tent D 36, Tent D 37
Cedar Point Marina Dock S,
CH Marine Dock C
Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Associations Tent AB 8
Chesapeake Boat Basin Tent A 21
Chesapeake Boating Club Tent AB 25
Chesapeake Harbour Marina/AMCYC Tent B 25, Tent B 23
Chesapeake Urology Associates Tent D 21
Chesapeake Whalertowne Land 46, Dock J2
Chesapeake Yacht Center Tent C 27, Dock C,
Chesapeake Yacht Club Tent C 51
Chesapeake Yacht Sales Dock D
Chesdin Boat Sales Land H3
Chessie Marine Sales, Inc. Land 20, Land 21, Land 19
Clarks Landing Yacht Sales Dock F2,
Clix Therapy Tent D 34
Coastal Climate Control Tent A 55, Tent A 57
Coastal Distribution Group Land 17
Colby Davis of Boston Tent D 69
Composite Yacht Dock D
Cooler Keg Tent D 14
Coppercoat, U.S.A. Tent D 5
Creative Spaces Remodeling Tent D 23, Tent D 22
Cruise RO Water & Technautics Tent D 35
Cummins Sales & Service Land 53
Cutco Cutlery Land 40, Land 95
Dave's Boat Trailer Sales Land Z3
David Walters Yachts Dock A,
DaVinci Yachts Dock K,
Dean Yacht Company Brokerage Cove Dock B
DEKit by Chesapeake Deking Tent D 91
Delta Powerboats Americas Dock C
Dewey Beach Yacht Club Tent B 9
DiMillo's Yacht Sales Dock A, Brokerage Cove Dock A
Dissen & Juhn Company Tent D 50, Tent D 51
Diversified Marine Services Tent B 40
Dockmate Tent A 32
Dockside Dermatology Tent F 14
Dog Training Elite of Central MD Tent D 74
Dominion Yachts Tent C 39A, Tent C 39B
Dour Yacht Sales Dock A1
East Coast Inflatable Boats Land 35
East Coast Yacht Sales Dock A1,
Electric Pedals Land 34
Electrified Marina Dock K
Electronic Marine Annapolis Tent A 7, Tent A 5
Element at Mill Creek Tent A 37
Elling Yachting Dock D
Essex Marina & Boat Sales Tent DO 8
EventLink on behalf of Infiniti Land 59C
EZ Dock Mid-Chesapeake Tent G 4, Land G5, Dock I
Fab Dock Pty Ltd Dock S
Fathom It Tent AB 10
Fawcett Marine Supplies Land 24, Land 16, Land 25, Land 26, Land Z2, Land 27, Dock K
Fish Redeemer Dock D
Florida Bow Thrusters Tent A 47, Tent A 45
Fluid Motion Marine Dock F2
Flux Marine Dock K,
Flying Fish Printworks Tent F 1B, Tent O 1A
Formula/Thunderbird Dock F2,
Franceschini's Espresso Cart Tent AB 5, Tent AB 6
Fratelli Aprea Dock D,
Freedom Boat Club Tent AB 28, Dock S
FreedomLift Tent AB 13, Tent AB 12
Freeman Boatworks Dock K
Fresh Farms Gourmet Tent C 11
Full Keel Marine Services, LLC Tent DO 6
Further Customs Tent C 41, Tent C 39
Furuno USA, Inc. K3 K3
G. Winters Sailing Center Dock C
Galahad Marine Land 55
Galahad Marine Sales Dock F1,
Galaxy Marine Distributors Tent C 4
Ghostworks Marine K3 K3,
Gingerville Marine Center Tent D 53
Golden Boat Lifts Tent B 7, Tent B 3, Tent B 5
Good Automatic Windlass, Inc. Tent C 12A
Grady-White Boats, Inc. Land 12, Dock I,
Grand Banks Yacht Sales of Florida Dock F2,
Handcraft Mattress Company Tent C 63, Tent C 61
Harbour Cove Marina Tent D 82
Hartge Yacht Harbor Tent C 13
Haven Harbour Marina Resorts Tent A 4, Tent A 2, Tent A 3
Hawaiian Moon Tent D 45
Healm LLC Tent D 78
Helly Hansen Land 39C, Land 39D, Land 39E
Herrington Harbour Marina Resorts Tent C 7, Tent C 5
Hi-Tide Sales, Inc. Land 37
Highland Boats Land 24
Hinckley Yachts Dock F2,
Honda Marine Dock K,
Honda Powersports of Crofton Land H2
Hook Optics/An Optical Galleria Tent AB 1
Hook’em Right Coffee LLC Tent D 9
Horizons America Tent F 1A
HP Agency - Hand Forged Damascus Cutlery Tent D 17
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Tent F 17
Iguana Yachts Land 61,
Imtra Corporation Land 50
Intercoastal Financial Group Tent AB 29
Interlux/SeaHawk Tent B 51
Intrinsic Yacht & Ship Dock K2, , Land 63
Ipswich River Craft Tent DO 10
Island Boat Lettering, Inc. Tent C 25, Tent C 23
J. Gordon & Co., Inc. Tent C 57, Tent C 55
J.J Best Banc & Co. Tent A 10
Jackie Gallagher Designs Tent D 20
JB Langley Land 84
Jim's Marine Dock H, Land H1
JNT Enterprises Tent A 8
Johnson & Towers, Inc. Land 52
junedays Tent D 46
Kadey - Krogen Yachts LLC Dock D,
Kadollu Designs Tent C 69
Kaya Ropes Tent B 31
Koenig Polish Tent D 13
Latitude 38 Land Latitude 38 Bar
LaVictoire Finance Dock LaVictoire VIP Tent
Line & Cleat Tent D 65
Little Yacht Sales Dock D
Local Coast Tent B 55, Tent B 57
Luxx Optica Tent DO 1
LW Americas Tent D 73
M & E Sales Tent D 25, Tent D 24
Mack Boring & Parts Co. Tent A 35, Tent A 33, Tent A 31
MAD Soaps Tent B 15, Tent B 17
Made+ Tent D 54, Tent D 55
Makaira Boats Land 39
Maptech Tent C 18, Tent C 16
Marine Connection Dock D,
Marine Technical Services Tent B 1
Marine Trades Assoc. of Maryland Tent F 27
Marinemax Northeast Dock B,
Marks Marine Insurance Tent AB 22
Maryland Boat Sales Dock H
Maryland SafeFloor Dock K
Mastry Engine Center Tent D 18
Mathews Brothers Dock D
Merco Marine Tent A 18
Mid Shore Diesel Land 47
Mid-Atlantic Engine Supply Tent B 44, Tent B 46
Mid-Shore Electronics Tent B 43, Tent B 41
MJM Yachts-Seolta Holdings Dock C,
Montauk Tackle Tent AB 4, Tent AB 3
Mustang Survival, Inc. Land 56
MY Yacht Sales Brokerage Cove Dock A
National Marine Underwriters Tent AB 9
National Ocean Service/NOAA Tent B 14
Natural Resources Police, Safety Education Tent A 40
Nautiste Dock K1
Nettle Net BOAT POOL Tent C 44, Tent C 46
Newcoast Tent G 2
NOAA SARSAT Program Tent B 42
NONA Technologies Tent DO 5
Nor-Tech Dock I
North Bay Marina Dock F1,
North Point Edgemere Volunteer Fire Dept Tent A 36
North Point Yacht Sales LLC Dock F2,
North Sails Clothing Tent D 57, Tent D 58, Tent D 56
NorthCoast Boats Dock F2
Novamar Yacht Insurance Tent D 31
Nugent Design Build Tent C 32, Tent C 30
OC Kayaks Tent FS 7
Ocean Club Yacht Sales Brokerage Cove Dock B
OceanPoint Marine Lending Land 64
Off The Hook Yachts Brokerage Cove Dock A
Onewater Yacht Group Dock C, Brokerage Cove Dock A,
Osborne Yachts Brokerage Cove Dock A
Our Good Dog Spot Tent F 12
Palm Beach Motor Yachts Dock F2
Paradise Grills Land 69
Parker Yacht Sales Land 4
Pettit Marine Paint Tent A 16
Phenom Yachts Dock B,
Pier Slider Tent FS 1
Pocket Yacht Dock C, Dock F2,
Pop Paddleboards Tent D 29, Tent D 30
Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. Dock F1,
Port to Port Yacht Transport Tent F 15
Port Town Marine Tent B 35
Premier Yacht Management. Tent A 23
Premium Spas and Billiards Tent B 4, Tent B 10, Tent B 8, Tent B 6
Prestige Yacht Management Tent D 92
PropTalk and FishTalk Magazine Tent F 7, Tent F 6
Providence Marine Systems Tent A 40A
Pursuit Dock B
Quais Bertrand Tent B 47
Queen Anne's County Tourism Tent C 53
Raritan Engineering Co. Inc. Tent B 34, Tent B 32
Raymarine, Inc. Land 72
RCI Technologies East Tent B 39
RDS Automotive Group Land 69A
Regal Marine Industries Land E2, Dock H, Land E2,
Regulator Marine Dock A,
Rhineland Cutlery Tent D 15
Rhodan Marine Systems Tent C 33
Rhode River Boat Sales Dock H, Dock I
Richard J. Fisco Tent DO DO
River Dunes Tent C 8
Riverside Marina & Yacht Sales Dock C
Riverside Marine, Inc. Land 83, Dock F1, Dock E2,
Rt 113 Boat Sales Dock B,
Rudy Marine Land 81, Dock E2, Land 82, Land 86
S&J Yachts Tent F 9, Tent F 10
SABIYA Sun Care Tent F 20
Sabre Yachts Dock F2,
Sail Annapolis Dock D
Sail Away Catamarans Dock D
Sea Tow Land 40A
SeaDek Marine Products Tent B 20, Tent B 18
Seahorse Docking Tent A 11, Tent A 19, Tent A 17, Tent A 13, Tent A 15
Seakeeper, Inc. K3 K3,
SeaPen Dock B
Seattle Yachts Dock D,
Seawell Boats Dock S
SeaWise Marine Tent D 95
SEAYa! Marine Tent AB 26, Tent AB 27
Sebago Dock & Lift Tent C 52, Tent C 26, Tent C 24, Tent C 50
Selene Yachts Americas
SHAC Anchor Cover Tent D 96
Shanks Golf Apparel Tent D 70
Ship Shape Annapolis Tent D 52
Ships Dek Tent B 2
Shipwright Harbor Marina Tent C 10
Shore Industries Tent A 6
Shore Power Solutions Land 48
Six Knots Tent DO 7
SML Footwear Tent D 49, Tent D 48
Smoke Showing Cigar Co. Land 90
SoCo Swings Tent D 1
SOLACE Boats Dock B,
Solar Energy World Tent D 81
Somers Cove Marina Tent B 45
SOS Screens, Inc. Tent A 14, Tent A 12
Specialty Yachts Dock D
Spurs Marine Tent B 16
Stabil Solutions, Inc. Tent A 53
Star Blink USA Tent D 26
Sterling Acceptance Corp. Tent F 25, Tent F 24
Sterling Associates Tent C 28
Streaming Box Store Tent C 65
Summer Classics Land 64A
Sunchill Tent D 60, Tent D 61
Sunglass Connection Tent AB 24
Tackle Up Tent D 77
Taylor Marine Center Dock I
Tee's By Bo Inc. Tent C 47, Tent C 49
Tektite Industries, Inc./Tekna Tent B 27
TerraCare Landscaping Tent C 17, Tent C 15
The Dock Guy Tent A 34
The NoSpill Tent B 33
The Professional Wine Opener Tent D 44
The Yacht Group / Yacht Controller Tent A 51, Tent A 49
Tideline Boats Dock K2
Tohatsu Land 24
Total Comfort Swings Land 60
Tri-State Marine Dock I, Land 15A, Land 15, Dock I, Land 15, Dock K,
Trident Marine Group Tent B 49
Tru Step Health and Wellness Tent C 1
True Kit USA Land 18
True North Yachts Dock C
Truist Tent C 40
TTR Sotheby's Int.Realty Tent C 20
Turkey Point Marina Tent D 75
ugo wear Tent D 97
Ultra Marine West Tent D 4A, Tent D 4, Tent D 3
Underway Binding Tent D 90
Up & Out Boat Lifts Tent A 44, Tent A 46
Upper Bay Boating Magazine Tent G 3
Upper Chesapeake Yacht Sales Brokerage Cove Dock A
VetusMaxwell, Inc. Tent B 21, Tent B 19
Waterfront Marine Dock H,
Waterway Guide Tent A 25, Tent A 27
Weems & Plath Tent C 36, Tent C 38
Welcome Aboard Catalog & Website Tent B 12
Wellington Yacht Partners Dock F2,
Wellness Consultants LLC Tent C 12B
Western Branch Diesel Land 51
Williams & Heintz Map Corp. Tent F 26
Wolfeboro Boats Land 88
Worton Creek Marina Tent G 1A
Yacht Brokers of Annapolis Tent F 2, Tent F 3
Yacht Maintenance Company Tent C 45
Yacht Sales Int'l. Dock D,
Yacht Zero Brokerage Cove Dock A
Yachts360 Brokerage Cove Dock A
Yamaha Motor Corporation Land 58, Dock E2
Zimmerman Marine, Inc. Tent A 41, Tent A 43
Zodiac Nautic Land 24


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