17′ Salish Voyager

Innovative and seaworthy, this rowing and sailing skiff from Gig Harbor Boat Works makes its East Coast debut.

The Salish Voyager is a truly expedition-worthy small craft that rows as well as it sails, so you can take it just about anywhere you’d want a small boat to go. The balanced lug rig is fun to sail and quick to rig. That makes it easy to get out on the water and take advantage of favorable winds at a moment’s notice. The unique sliding rowing seat design leaves the floor open for maximum utility and can be set up for both single and tandem rowing. Best of all, the boat can be configured for rowing and sailing at the same time, so you can easily switch modes as conditions change.

A self-bailing floor pairs with generous secondary flotation, offering seaworthiness and simple self-rescue. Spacious dry-storage options offer plenty of room for your food & gear, and the cockpit is even spacious enough to comfortably sleep aboard. The hull design is derived from the classic Jersey Beach Skiff, a 19th-Century fishing boat with a bow wellsuited to cutting through chop and a flat box keel for easy beach launching and landing. Taken together, this makes the Salish Voyager the perfect boat for anything from an afternoon cruising the harbor, to full expeditions exploring the coastline and getting back to nature.

Visit Gig Harbor Boat Works at Land 47.

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