Garcia Exploration 52

A big fifty-footer, brought to you by Switsure Yachts, is exactly what you need to comfortably share your faraway journeys, whether high-latitude or tropical. While the first model in the range is ideal for a couple going around the world, the 52 can welcome family and friends for the time necessary to share the most beautiful places on our planet.

The core of the Garcia Exploration concept remains unchanged. Only a little more than a metre of draft when it is necessary, it is indeed a centreboarder. The grey of the hull doesn’t hide the solidity of aluminium, even if the shapes carved by exceptional metalworkers could have been reminiscent of the precision of a moulded hull. Rudders and helm stations could only ever be in pairs for Olivier Racoupeau when it comes to controlling a modern, powerful hull with your fingertips, a lifestyle in a space as vast as… all the oceans of the world.

At the front of the very large cockpit with its cleverly designed ergonomics, the rigid cap, which protects two real watchkeeping stations, also offers a real transition zone before going into the warm interior.

You pass the solid watertight doors of the companionway in three smooth steps. Whether you are standing at the companionway or in the galley, sitting in the vast saloon or at the central helm station, you’ll never miss a moment of the planet as it passes by through the windows.

Visit Swiftsure Yacht on Dock D

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