Nature’s Head “Weekender” Composting Toilet

Introducing the Natures Head “Weekender.”
For Years we have discussed with our customers the possibility of building a smaller version of our Composting Toilet. Something that might allow it to fit into smaller spaces and applications where maximum capacity is not the biggest concern. Applications include Pocket Cruisers and Day Sailors, Conversion Vans, smaller Campers, and Tiny Houses. Applications where it might be necessary or desirable to place it under a bunk, in a cabinet, or spaces with limited headroom.
While we have named our newest product the “Weekender” it certainly won’t be limited to just weekends. With a Urine Tank capacity rivaling our competitor’s “full size” offerings, while maintaining the ability to contain up to a couple of weeks of continuous use in the solid waste chamber, the “Weekender” is sure to impress! To top it off we have retained all the most popular features of the full-size Nature’s Head including our ability to separate the liquid and solid wastes and even our full-size molded-in seat!

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